This is a brand new blog about a lifestyle and story that’s not just new but totally unknown to this author. But, notA Big Life in a Little Home (what the heck does that mean?)hing ventured, nothing gained, so let’s go....
Biglifelittlehome is about living a sustainable/responsible lifestyle and working up to changing to a fulltime RV Adventure lifestyle. The pioneer spirit, the people and innovations that come out of this community and other resources that may contribute to a smaller more sustainable lifestyle. The people on the road and in the R&D facilities that make or invent the innovations and the adventurous souls who use them. Lastly, but hopefully not least, the story of my partner and I. Why we want to do this, how we are doing it and a journal of our travels.
First, I want to search out good things available to further a sustainable and simpler lifestyle on the road. An offshoot, if you will, of the tiny house movement. Only, our tiny house will be on wheels.
I want to write about innovations that may not directly impact our movable tiny home lifestyle but could impact the planet in a more sustainable way.
I want to meet and write about the amazing people who have chosen this lifestyle. Find out what led them to it, why they love it, and what it can teach the world at large about life and love.
Lastly, I want to write about my partner in crime, love, and life, Scott and myself (I’m Victoria). What is leading us to this lifestyle, why we have decided to embrace it. And, share our adventures. So, if you want to learn more about us and how we came to this decision and what makes us, US, then please check out our "about" page.
I'll also be doing posts about our lives and what we are doing to further the dream. Till next time, remember to use less and live more.