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Best Intentions

Wow, I can't believe it's been three weeks since my last post. I really must do better.

I did have one week with no computer due to cat vandalism. For no apparent reason, Wicked chewed a hole in my power cord. Amazon Prime did its magical 2-day delivery but it took me several days to figure out which cord to order. Such is life in the computer age.

Other than that I've been hosting yard sales and posting on craigslist to both raise money (see the previous blog on Irony) and downsize.

Scott has been busy buying and selling as well. And researching drones for our future youtube channel. I think he has it narrowed down to one for indoors and a choice between two for outdoors. But I'll let you know when we are ready to launch, lol. We still have to learn how to fly them. That may be a steeper learning curve for me as I don't play video games and he does.

The search for the perfect van continues. We are now leaning toward a small Class C rather than a Class B van. We aren't Millenials and we will be working so the larger space with a dinette makes sense to us.

That's it for today. Happy travels. Remember it's not the destination but the journey and who you travel with.

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