In my last blog, I talked about my family's visit, planing for the future and making plans. Unfortunately, at 65, part of my planning has to be funeral plans. Of course, everyone should have a plan for this because no one is guaranteed to live into old age. Car accidents, hidden health issues, terrorist attacks, the world is full of ways to die. There was even a terrible TV show called "A Thousand Ways to Die." Uck. Still, we can have a plan without it being morbid.
I want to be remembered happily, not with a lot of crying and grief. I'm a veteran so I do want my military funeral with the flag and 21 gun salute etc. I earned that. But I also want everyone to remember all the good times. So I'm putting together a plan that includes a song list, a funeral/ cremation that's paid for ahead of time and suggested food and drink. And two other things.
First, there's a company in Seattle that will take some of your ashes and turn them into glass keepsakes.
I like the glass heart paperweight. That way when they are paying their bills they can think, "gee Mom, thanks for the paperweight rather than the 1M I wish you'd left me." I'm kidding, I've never had a million to leave them but I can leave something beautiful to remember me with.
Second, I want the rest of my ashes to be used as a part of this:
The news this week has been all about the Amazon Rainforest burning. And when I was teaching the kids about Climate Change my son said, "The solution is simple Mom. We need to plant more trees." Simple but true. Several countries have committed to doing just that this week. So, I want to be a tree. Personally, I think everyone should be a tree. Wouldn't it be cool if cemeteries were parks instead of rows of stones?