I was at the grocery store the other day and feeling good because I remembered my reusable shopping bags and reusable produce bags. The check out clerk was chatting with me about the produce bags because they were new to her. She thought they were very cool. But then I looked at the packaging for my cheese, and pet food and some of my proteins. How wasteful we are. Plastic and Styrofoam and bottles and cans. I got quite sad for a while.
Perhaps I'm an old soul or a hopeless romantic but I wish we still went from stall to stall or shop to shop for our grocery needs. The butcher, the fishmonger, the coffee roaster, the produce seller. I'm sure my cat would be happy eating a fish head as much as a can of meaty bits and gravy. Maybe even happier.
And wouldn't it be lovely as a wife and homemaker to be able to take the time to plan and shop and cook and care for your home and family instead of rushing off to work, then the store on the way home and then throwing a meal together and falling into bed just to start all over again tomorrow.
Maybe that's why the van life appeals to me. A slower pace. Less need to make more money to buy more stuff to fill up a house. Time to wander through a forest, picnic by a stream, explore an unknown or sleep on a beach.
I know it's not all romance and sunshine but it must be better most days than keeping pace with the Joneses. Am I a crazy romantic? I guess but I'm not apologizing for it. Tell me I'm wrong if you dare.
Shopping List: