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Learning to Live With Less

I realize my blogging entries have been few and far between of late. And, I wish I had really good reasons for that but I don't think I do. Other than I'm still trying to figure it all out.

Life is busy when you have so much stuff and bills and jobs to sustain. And none of that is bad. It just makes one very, very busy.

I've been very busy. Busy with work, busy with my health and trying to build good habits, i.e. gym time, busy organizing and thinking and learning. Busy trying to figure out how to live on my terms, with less but without harming anyone else in the process.

I found two great documentaries that I'm watching several times each to help me put all of this in perspective.

"Living in Future's Past" A call to us by Jeff Bridges for each person to do what they are able and comfortable to do to minimalize their impact on the planet. It's important because if you want to admit it or not, everything and everyone is connected and has an impact on the future.

"The Minimalists" A documentary film that follows two young men who gave up corporate life to pursue a life of less stress by owning less and in that journey have written books that hopefully inspire others to do the same; on their terms.

Because no one is saying "You have to live this way or else." Quite the opposite. They are saying do what makes you feel good but do it mindfully. Live with purpose and care. Take care of yourself, your family, and your environment.

If being a corporate person who needs and wants a 6 bedroom house, no one is denying you that right. But if it doesn't make you happy why are you doing that?

Ironically, I am traveling my path to minimalism. As I look around at my home I'm struck by how much I have not given up.....yet.

So, over the next few weeks or months, I will be getting rid of much of my stuff. You'll find it on eBay, or Facebook Marketplace (Las Vegas if you live here and want some of my old stuff) or Craigslist (also Vegas, lol). And possibly at a garage sale or two.

I hope you will forgive me for not being consistent in these entries. I'll be doing better I hope soon. So, please subscribe and then you can be notified when my inconsistent entries are ready to be read.

Scott pointed out to me the other day that I don't have to achieve everything I want to all at once. He asked me, "How do you eat an elephant?" And, of course, I answered, "one bite at a time."

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