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New Plan - Starting Over - WTF have I done?

So much to tell you all. First, I'm going to be writing, researching, and doing all the things relevant to this website myself. I have retired and have the time now to devote to my self-sustaining, off-grid lifestyle. But for the time being, it won't include any travel.

As I mentioned in my last post in June of 2021 (yikes!) Scott and I had broken up. He replaced his travel goals with buying a hobby ranch in Northern Arizona. We talked, we discussed and ultimately we agreed we cared to much about each other to never see one another again. So, we spent almost a year doing the long distance thing while he worked the new property and I continued to figure out what I was going to do if and when I could retire.

Surprise! I was given the opportunity to retire with enough money to live on and enough to buy my truck and trailer! I still make payments on the truck but my tiny home on wheels is paid for in full. And, Scott has graciously given me a 1/4 acre all to myself to use and develop as I wish.

I would have loved to travel but as you all know, the price of gas has gone stupid and while I can live on my retirement income, traveling would be too much.

So, I downsized, moved to Arizona and I'm working on establishing my off grid life. I'll write more about all to that in upcoming posts that I hope to publish on Wednesdays and Sundays. But here is a photo of the sky my first night here.

Thanks for reading. Please subscribe. I hope to be a source for little homes people, off grid people, RV travelers and anyone who wants to live more sustainably or have a smaller carbon footprint.

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