There are so many experiences we dream about when considering our future van life. Exploring new places, sleeping on a beach, eating lobster in Maine and going to a Cubs game. But living in a home on wheels under 21 feet long means downsizing and storing the things you use.
For example, I've already started using kitchen items that store smaller because they fold into compact/flat shapes. My colanders, my dish-drainer, and our brand new barbecue.
It may seem silly to be changing our lifestyle before we even have our van but why wait? We know what we want to do and making all the changes necessary at the last minute does seem silly. So, I've been getting rid of my books, changing my lifestyle to less waste, purchasing things that will work in a van not just a big old house and making more considered choices all the way around.
A life well planned is a life with purpose. What's your purpose? What are your dreams? Do you agree with me and this journey or do you think we are crazy? Let me know what you want to know and talk about. I'm looking forward to the conversations as we travel to places unknown.
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